Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Odds & Ends Update

Wow - it has been a long time since I have written!  I have been very busy and trying to cut back on work so I can de-stress.  I also have a student teacher, which was at first very stressful, but now I am happy to have a bit more time on my hands.  Here is an update on the craziness of what I've been working on.

The Flipped Classroom
I have thoroughly enjoyed flipping my Honors Biology classes and am now teaching my student teacher the reasoning behind the flip.  She has totally embraced the student-centered classroom where they construct their knowledge and the teacher is a guide on their journey.  She is even making her own videos!  I am also so happy that some graduate students have emailed me about reading my blog for their Education classes.  It inspires me that future teachers also see the value in the flipped model and I want to help in any way that I can.

I am an active member of my school's technology committee where we are looking to go 1:1 (each student has a device) in the next two years.  I am trying very hard to secure funding (we are a private school) for a pilot program of Google Chromebooks in my classroom for next year.  Any advice on grants is greatly appreciated!! We also have a technology roundtable next week hosted by DyKnow where several area schools will brainstorm ideas surrounding going 1:1.  I will certainly report back what I gained from this discussion.

AP Biology
A huge chunk of my time recently has been spent wrapping my mind around the new AP Biology curriculum that begins next school year.  As I have written about before, I tried to flip my AP Bio class this year but the amount of content and the pace made it nearly impossible.  I still use constructivist thought and inquiry to inspire my lessons, but I would not consider it a "flip".  I am hopeful that I will at least get to a 50/50 or more flip with AP Bio next year.  It helps that I am getting (for the first time) my students that I taught Honors Biology to last year - I know they should have the prerequisite knowledge!

Some of you may have noticed that I had to remove all of my videos from my YouTube channel, EaglesBiology.  Last week, several teachers, including myself, received notices from Pearson that we were violating copyright laws by posting their images in our videos.  I am appealing this decision as we speak and I hope to get the videos back up soon!  Flippers beware - don't use textbook images :)


  1. Hi, my named is Shannon and I am a student in edm310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I also think that it is important to flip the classroom to help your students. I'm glad I got the opportunity to read this post.

    P.S. I hope you were able to find funding for the pilot program :)

  2. Hey, Mrs. Ooten my name is Michael and I am also a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I want to start off by saying that I enjoyed reading your post and being informed about "flipping a classroom" I think the part that I liked the most is the fact that more students are passing classes and graduating. The main focus as educators is to teach the students in anyway possible so they will learn, and looking at the results it looks like you have found a recipe to do that. I also hope that you were able to find a successful strategy for your AP biology class as well. I am glad I was assigned to your post, and I hope you find some time to post again.

  3. Hello my name is Marie Allgood. I am an EDM 310 student at the University of South Alabama. I have recently learned of the flipping the class technique. I believe this can be very good for the students. I think it will benefit the parent as they help the student with homework also. I hope the biology flipped class turned out well. Technology is a big thing in education today and would love to see each student have their own personal device. Thanks for taking the time to blog so that others may learn from you.

  4. Hi Ms. Ooten,

    My name is Whitney Bizjak and yep i'm another student from Dr. Strange's EDM310 class from the University of South Alabama. I just wanted to start off by saying I am so glad I was assigned your blog to read this week because I have got to say the past few "teacher blogs" that I have had have been extremely hard to understand and way to critical for myself. You seem to have a great thing going and care so much about your students. I have recently started researching about "flipping the classroom" and at first I have to say I was quit skeptical but after further research I am beginning to understand the reasoning behind it. I mean technology is basically taking over the classroom now so might as well embrace it right? I really hope you find the funding for your 1:1 project. The school I went to just got all new MacBook Airs for each student starting in 4th grade and up (they were all donated). I hope to learn more about your possible flip with your AP Bio class! Thanks for the informative blog post!!

    By the way: Pearson is crazy for doing that!

  5. Also... I will be summarizing your blog post on my blog tonight if you would like to check it out! :)

    My Blog:
    EDM310 Class Blog:

  6. This was a great post. I especially like the tip about not using textbook images. It seems like something I may have done had it not been for reading your blog. Thanks! I'm very excited to start teaching in a technology friendly environment. I hope to hear more about your experiences as I continue to follow your blog.
